121 Dietitian

Manage Stress to Better Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

stress and IBS

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS) and How Does Stress Impact It? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that affects an estimated 10-15% of people worldwide. Stress has been identified as a major factor in the onset and exacerbation of IBS symptoms and it is definitely a trigger for […]

5 Reasons to Eat your Green Vegetables!

“Eat your Greens” How many people are fed up hearing this in their lives!!  Green vegetables are notoriously disliked by all age groups and this makes me sad, but I completely understand why. The data I gather from advising thousands of people gives me expert insight.  And as you probably guessed, the largest percentage of […]

Intuitive Eating – myth busting

Myth Busting Intuitive Eating One of the biggest misconceptions is about intuitive eating.  People fear that if they are not following a strict diet then they can’t lose weight, which is thankfully far from the truth… Intuitive eating = eating perfectly all the time This is not the case. So if this is you, don’t […]

The facts on fermented foods – what can they do for you…

With a rise in popularity for fermented foods in recent years comes a look at their impact on health. Here, Gillian gets clear on what fermented foods are and if they actually have a positive effect on health. What are fermented foods? Fermented foods and drinks have become very popular over recent years even though […]

Snapshot of ADHD in practice – how nutrition can help


Here, Director and Principal Dietitian, Gillian Killiner discusses why children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at risk of being deficient of multiple nutrients and why the link between hyperactivity and food sensitivity is strong. Overall nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows that this patient population is at risk of […]

FODMAP – all you need to know to get results..

Here, Gillian Killiner, Principal Dietitian at 121, discusses the Low Fodmap Programme and in particular, why seeking the help of a qualified and experienced Dietitian is key to implementing it successfully. The Low Fodmap Programme has been around for over 10 years. I heard about it in its infancy and thought: “Wow! This is excellent […]