The truth about nutritional supplements revealed by a UK leading Dietitian
One of the most commonly asked questions we hear at 121 Dietitian is “What supplements should I be taking?” With this in mind, Director and Principal Dietitian Gillian Killiner discusses the topic of supplements and who should be taking what. It might surprise you to learn that the term ‘dietary supplements’ actually applies to a […]
Confused by food labels? Let’s get clear!
Food labels which can leave you confused. Here, we share our top tips on understanding what they really mean. Food labels – You’re ready to make some health changes and like many others, your new year resolution may have you rethinking your shopping trolley contents. The internet bombards us with recipes and healthy eating advice […]
Gallstones diet – the facts
Gallstones are more common than you may think. A gallstones diet could help. In fact it’s estimated that more than 1 in every 10 adults in the UK has gallstones. But what exactly are they and what effect can they have on the body? Today, we share the facts on gallstones and the risk factors […]
Healthy Food like your body

Over the years, studies have looked at the relationship between food and their impact on the body and in particular, it’s fascinating to learn that healthy food can help certain organs that resemble their same shape! While there are many theories, we have put together a selection of our favourites, showing the power of food […]
Reduce the risk of prostate cancer with dietary changes
Reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In recent years, more and more research has been devoted to the link between diet and prostate cancer and reducing its likelihood with dietary changes. Every year in the UK, 35,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, resulting in one fatality every hour. What we do currently know about the condition […]
Incredible Hulk Recipe – Cannelloni Style
This Incredible Hulk Recipe – Cannelloni Style, is a fab way to use all the greens that you may not be keen on! Normally cannelloni is made with just spinach however adding variety with other greens allows you to consume a wider range of nutrients without compromising on flavour. All cruciferous vegetables (cabbage family) contain […]