121 Dietitian

PCOS affects 1 in 10 women. As a seasoned Consultant Dietitian with 26 years of experience, I have had the privilege of assisting numerous women on their path to improved health, fertility, and well-being. Among the many conditions I’ve encountered, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) has been an unexpected daily focus that is so often poorly managed, and my journey in supporting women with PCOS has been nothing short of rewarding and life-changing. Through the power of nutrition and lifestyle adjustments, I’ve witnessed heart-warming transformations in these women’s lives, culminating for some, the best health physically and mentally they could have, or for others the joyous arrival of new-born babies and thriving pregnancies.

Understanding PCOS: A Complex Journey

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a complex hormonal disorder that affects a significant number of women worldwide. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it often runs in families. It’s related to abnormal hormone levels in the body, including high levels of insulin.

There are a multitude of subtle and obvious symptoms. Medically identifed by irregular menstrual cycles, excessive androgen levels, and multiple fluid-filled sacs (follicles) that are seen in the ovaries around the egg stopping its release, Not all PCOS symptoms have to be present for a diagnosis. PCOS can often lead to various challenges, such as weight gain, hair loss, acne, insulin resistance, and difficulty conceiving.

unhappy lady PCOS

Acknowledging the Multifaceted Approach to PCOS

Over the years, I’ve worked on addressing PCOS with a multifaceted approach and created a programme that provides ther right support. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and each woman’s journey is unique. My approach to supporting women with PCOS involves personalized dietary strategies, lifestyle modifications, and ongoing support all tailored to suit individual needs. Click here to read more about our bespoke programmes for PCOS.

The Role of Nutrition in PCOS Management

Nutrition serves as the cornerstone of PCOS management, it is amazing when using the right foods how powerful they are to heal and nurture the body. Through custom-tailored plans, we guide our clients towards making informed food choices that promote hormonal balance, reduce inflammation, and support weight management. Emphasizing whole, nutrient-dense foods, and striking a balance between macronutrients is key in promoting steady blood sugar levels and curbing cravings.

Nourishing Hormonal Balance in PCOS

Balancing hormones lies at the heart of PCOS management. Incorporating foods that promote hormone regulation eg fatty acids, and antioxidants can be transformative. Additionally, we ask our patients to visit their GP for a list of blood tests and from this address any concerns with diet and supplements if required. We provide each patient a bespoke programme which encourages clients to address their diet with ease and enjoyment and ditch the foods that contribute to hormonal imbalances.

positive body imagine PCOS

The Low Glycemic Impact

One essential aspect of our nutritional recommendations for PCOS revolves around adopting a low glycemic approach. By choosing carbohydrates that release sugar gradually into the bloodstream, we can manage insulin levels more effectively, reducing the impact of insulin resistance commonly associated with PCOS. Recipes, plans and shopping lists provided make this easy and enjoyable.

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle

Beyond nutrition, lifestyle choices play a crucial role in managing PCOS and enhancing hormone regulation. Physical activity is a powerful ally, improving insulin sensitivity, and assisting weight. We work closely with clients to develop activities that are enjoyable and sustainable, ensuring they stay committed to their health goals.

Stress Reduction for Hormonal Harmony

Reducing stress is vital in the management of PCOS. Chronic stress can exacerbate hormonal imbalances and lead to emotional eating or unhealthy coping mechanisms. Our clients learn to manage stress and dial into their emotional well-being.

Celebrating Success: Joyful Outcomes for PCOS

The most gratifying aspect of my work especially is witnessing the success stories of the women I’ve supported on their PCOS journey. Many of them have overcome the odds, improved their health, and if so desired successfully conceived. It makes me so happy to see these women embark on a new chapter of their lives with confidence and vitality and if pregnancy the end goal see the new little babies I have helped become reality!

baby cute fertility PCOS


My 26-year journey as a Dietitian has been defined by my passion for empowering women with all health issues. This was really accelerated after experiening a health crisis myself see (Gillian’s story). The transformative power of nutrition and lifestyle is not to be underestimated, throwing medications at conditions may seem a good option but does not always fix the route cause. Witnessing patients triumphs and sharing in their joy as they get back in the driving seat has been a big highlight of my work.

As I continue to champion the cause of women’s health, I remain committed to the pursuit of holistic and personalized solutions that nurture the body and the mind. Thankfully PCOS can be treated, and once on the correct path, the boundless potential of life and fertility that lies within every woman can be unlocked.

So, what to do next or for anything else..

If you are needing help with your diet and health or anything else… we can assist you with this. Maybe you wish to change your eating habits, create a nutrition plan or need help optimising the foods you eat to assist your hormonal health or your sugar addiction and are not sure what programme to select, please do contact us. We would love to help you or your family and friends with any nutrition-related queries big or small.

If you want to book your programme TODAY we would love to help you.

You can book a 121 Dietitian Programme today by clicking on the link below

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If you are interested in how I overcame my Thyroid Autoimmune Condition do check out the About section below

Before you go please check out our 121 Dietitian Shop created specifically for optimising your health.

Gillian x

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