121 Dietitian

Sugar what you need to know …

It is Sugar awareness week 18th – 24th January 2021 so I thought I would take a look at this in more detail for you as it is one of the biggest concerns my patients have when I see them at my clinics. What is sugar? The term ‘sugar’ usually refers to what we know […]

Menopause Diet: The Top Nutrients You Need To Know About

Learn all about the top nutrients to help minimise the symptoms of menopause, assist with it and also maintain healthy bones. Key nutrient are important to consider if you are going through the menopause. Whichever menopausal symptoms you experience, the change in the balance of your hormones is the cause. A well-balanced menopause diet is […]

Metabolic syndrome – are you at risk?

Metabolic syndrome – It’s estimated that 25% of the world’s population has “Syndrome X.” Sounds like a spy code and sadly it can be as deadly if not dealt with. Syndrome X is the underlying factor for a whole host of common health problems we treat every day at our clinic. In a nutshell, Metabolic […]

Could fitness technology be causing you to gain weight?

Are you one of the many thousands of people who has invested in a piece of fitness technology or fitness tracker app in recent years?  If so, you might want to read on… I have been a Dietitian for over 20 years and have observed the many nutritional changes and fads (fitness technology) that come […]

Is coffee good or bad for you? All you need to know

Coffee has been researched over and over and over, and why not! A universally consumed drink, it is complex, with over a thousand different substances present. So is it actually good for you, or should we avoid it completely? Here, we separate the facts from the fiction so that you can make an informed decision […]

Vitamin D deficiency: Should we use supplements?

For years, it has been widely accepted by scientists that vitamin D deficiency is a longstanding health problem, with implications on health and wellbeing. While there are a wealth of reasons for vitamin D deficiently, inadequate skin synthesis due to restricted sunlight, limited food fortification and lack of vitamin D from natural food sources are […]