121 Dietitian

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


GUT Health – what is it??

Gut health refers to the balance and function of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract. These microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, collectively form the gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome aids in digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and maintaining immune system function. It also impacts overall well-being by influencing heart and brain health. Imbalances in the gut microbiota can lead to conditions like, gastritis, Helicobacter Pylori, SIBO, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and much more highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy gut through diet, and lifestyle choices.

Gut Symptoms..

Do you suffer with:

  • abdominal pain
  • wind
  • burping
  • bloating
  • diarrhoea
  • constipation
  • stomach gurgling
  • fatigue
  • acid reflux
  • nausea….?

You may suffer from all of these or just a few, but these symptoms can leave you feeling miserable and isolated and ruin your every day life.

We can help you…..

IBS is one of many gut health issues that we treat.

A complicated illness, sadly current NHS treatments offering sufferers only 30% chance of success. With our programs we can boost these stats up to an impressive 75% or higher (our stats 95%).

We are specialists in IBS treatment and management programmes and our methods really work.

Irritable Bowel SyndromeGillian Killiner BSc. (Hons) MSc. RD is a Specialist Dietitian and is the only private dietitian available in Northern Ireland trained by Kings College London to practice the Low FODMAP diet since 2011.

This diet has found to be effective in 75% of IBS patients (worldwide stats)

New stats: 121 Dietitian Belfast achieves 95% success rate in 8 weeks…Yes…

Up to 95% IBS success rate!

How Do We Work??

A successful and innovative approach for managing IBS, FODMAPs are a collection of molecules found in food that some people poorly absorb.

When poorly absorbed in the small intestine, these food molecules continue along the digestive tract to the large intestine, where they serve as a food source for the bacteria that normally reside there. The bacteria then digest/ferment these FODMAPs, potentially causing Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. We address these issues, and in under six weeks, you can be symptom-free!

The low FODMAP diet is a well-tested treatment option. As science continually progresses, research into this dietary strategy continues. Unfortunately, many websites and some practitioners are unaware of recent research advances in this area and may offer inaccurate advice.

We have programs to suit you for all gut health issues including Divertucular Disease, reflux, IBS, IBD, Coeliac Disease, SIBO, gastritis and more..

Click here for more details on our Package Options 


One of our Popular Gut Health Dietetic Programs example:

  • Irritable Bowel SyndromeInitial assessment – 5-hour package includes a detailed background questionnaire and 7-day food diary analysis, along with a 60 minutes consultation.
  • Patients are assessed for suitability, compliance, and lifestyle and if motivated then results will be achieved.
  • FODMAP foods are restricted for 6 weeks. These are discussed in detail with specialised literature, recipes, shopping list…. provided for full support.
  • Our expertise will ensure you do not feel like you are on an elimination but a “liberation” diet.
  • Support is there for the full programme to assist you if necessary.
  • At your review appointment, you will be reassessed for symptoms, assessed of nutritional status and educated on the reintroduction stage and personalised.

GUT Symptoms and Weight Issues

Do you stuggle with Gut Health Symptoms that are stopping you from loosing weight or possibly gaining weight??? We see this each week in our clinic and have developed 2 amazingly successful programs to address these both at the same time.

Click here for more details on our Gut and Weight Combination Package Options