IMPORTANT MESSAGE: As per government recommendations on 16th March 2020 our clinics will now be held on – line using SKYPE or Zoom. Please do not hesitate to contact us as it is business as usual. We are here to assist you with keeping your immune system and health optimal while we all fight this […]
Seven Top Tips for Gaining Weight
Here, Gillian Killiner, Director And Principal Dietitian At 121 Dietitian discusses common reasons why people lose weight and shares her top tips for gaining weight. I am 22 years in the health business and the most popular misconception I face is that all I do is advise people on weight loss! This couldn’t be further from […]
Vitamin D deficiency: Should we use supplements?
For years, it has been widely accepted by scientists that vitamin D deficiency is a longstanding health problem, with implications on health and wellbeing. While there are a wealth of reasons for vitamin D deficiently, inadequate skin synthesis due to restricted sunlight, limited food fortification and lack of vitamin D from natural food sources are […]