121 Dietitian

The Role of Plant-Based Diets in Promoting a Healthy Gut

In recent years, the connection between our diet and gut health has become increasingly the focus as the link between gut to overall health is so important. Plant-based diets, in particular, have emerged as a powerful tool for promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

In this article we will be exploring the benefits of plant-based eating for gut health and introduce two key concepts: the ’30 plants a week checklist’ and ‘plant points’.

Why Plant-Based Diets Matter for Gut Health

Plant-based diets are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, all of which play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy gut.

Here's how:

The ’30 Plants a Week Checklist’ One effective strategy for improving gut health is the ’30 plants a week checklist’. This concept encourages individuals to consume 30 different plant foods each week.

Here's why it's beneficial:

To implement the '30 plants a week checklist', consider:

Plant Points: A Simple Way to Track Your Plant-Based Progress. The concept of ‘plant points’ is another useful tool for those looking to increase their plant intake for better gut health.

Here's how it works:​

Plant points can make the journey towards a more plant-based diet fun and engaging. It’s not just about eating more plants, but about eating a wider variety of plants.

Implementing a Plant-Based Diet for Gut Health.

While moving towards a more plant-based diet can seem daunting, here are some practical tips to get started:

Potential Challenges and Solutions While plant-based diets offer numerous benefits for gut health, they may present some challenges:

30 plants checklist

An Example:


Oatmeal with: Blueberries, flaxseeds, milk

Snack: mix with: Almonds, Walnuts, 4-5 sultanas

Lunch: salad with: Quinoa, Chickpeas, Cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, red onion Parsley

Snack: Veggie sticks with Carrots, Celery, and cream cheese

Dinner: Stir-fry with: Brown rice, Broccoli, peas, red cabbage, Tofu or prawns with ginger, Soy sauce, and Garlic

Dessert: Fruit 6-8 Strawberries

Adopting a more plant-based diet can significantly benefit your gut health. The ’30 plants a week checklist’ and ‘plant points’ system are excellent tools to help you increase the diversity and quantity of plant foods in your diet.

Before I go I just want to mention that it is still important to continue to eat proteins from various sources. The message for change to more plants is that populations across the globe are eating beige foods only with proteins from processed poor-quality choices which is damaging their health.

Protein from good-quality lean meats, poultry, and fish should not be removed. They should remain as part of this balanced approach if you are not vegan or vegetarian. Eggs, meat alternatives like tofu and tempeh and dairy are also important parts of the diet to regularly consume. Eat them alongside a rainbow and you will be doing the best you can. 

So, the key message here is every step towards a more plant-rich diet is a step towards better gut health and if you’re struggling with gut health issues or need personalised guidance on implementing a plant-based diet, then consider seeking professional help.

If you are experiencing gut health issues or looking to optimise your diet for better gut health check out Gillian’s specialist programmes at 121 Dietitian. My expertise and personalised approach a tailored plan will be created for you to improve your gut health and overall wellbeing.

With over 30 years of experience in dietetics and the founder of 121 Dietitian, I offer specialised programmes to address various gut health concerns. My approach focuses on managing diet and lifestyle changes to promote optimal gut health.

Don’t let gut health issues hold you back – take the first step towards a healthier gut today!

If you are not dealing with a gut health problem hurrah, but if you are dealing with something else that is diet-related please do reach out as we cover all aspects of diet and health.

If you want to book your programme TODAY we would love to help you.

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