121 Dietitian

workplace nutrition 

Answer the following to identify your workplace nutrition:

  1. Do you buy your food at work?
  2. Do you struggle to eat healthy choices at work?
  3. Do you find there is a lack of healthy options provided?
  4. Do you find healthier choices to be more expensive?
  5. Do you fail to drink enough fluids?
  6. Do you eat at your desk?

If you answer yes to more than 3 of these questions then you need to read on to improve your workplace nutrition……….

With over 29 million people working in the U.K and spending up to 60% of their waking hours in work it seems obvious that the eating decisions and habits we form at work could have a significant impact on our health.

In 2006, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend that workplaces have policies which encourage healthy eating and promote healthy choices. If you have answered mainly yes to the questions above you are not alone, despite the guidelines many people still feel it is difficult to make healthy choices in the workplace. The verdict by the Royal College of Physicians in 2011 that little action has been taken to promote healthy eating would come as no surprise then.

Well 2 years on, has there been any improvement?

A study on motivations and barriers to healthy eating in public sector workplaces was recently published in the Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics. It identified some important views from public sector workers. The article ‘A qualitative study to investigate the drivers and barriers to healthy eating in two public sector workplaces’ A Pridgeon & K Whitehead (2013) JHum Nutr Diet, 26, 85-95 can be accessed online using this link http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-277X.2012.01281.x/full .

  • So should employers be doing more to improve workplace nutrition?
  • Or should it be our own responsibility to tackle the obstacles in the way of making healthy choices in the workplace?

Certainly here at 121 Dietitian we are of the opinion that employers should be doing more to promote healthy workplace nutrition choices, if they aren’t already. As a specialist nutritional team we are passionate about providing staff nutritional assessments and menu improvement, workshops etc. Our workplace nutrition programmes reduce absenteeism, improve moral and improve company finances.

We also encourage staff to take responsibility, driving new ideas forward and to remain healthy outside the workplace.

If you struggle to make healthy choices at work, find there is a lack of healthy options available at your work or feel that healthy options are too expensive, then preparation is the key.

Boring you may yell, No, is our reply as with 121 Dietitian = Clever, quick and tasty.

Just to wet your appetite!! Here are just a few popular tips on Workplace Nutrition to get you started….

  • If you’re always short on time why not cook an extra portion of dinner in the evening? The leftovers can be eaten for the next day’s lunch. Alternatively use the time while you’re in the kitchen anyway to prepare a tasty meal for the next evening.
  • Stock up on lots of healthy ingredients such as salad vegetables and fruit, cooked fish, lean cooked unprocessed meats, wholegrain breads & pastas and dips.  Having plenty of options will prevent you getting bored and help you resist the temptation of the canteen or vending machine.
  • Fruit, vegetable sticks, yogurts, seeds & nuts are nutritious and great for snacking; keep these handy at your desk for when you are feeling peckish to tide you over until the next meal.
  •  If you are on a budget fresh fruit can be bought cheaper in bulk. You could buy a bag of fruit especially to keep in the workplace for snacking, remember to wash it well.

How to improve Workplace Nutrition at your desk

  • It is good to get away from the desk during your breaks for your body to relax, if you are eating at your desk; are you working through your break? This is not good for long term health or productive for your job. Bringing your own lunch can save you time rather than queuing in the canteen so push away when you can.
  •  It is important you maintain your energy to keep focused on your work. healthy snacks at your desk are recommended.
  • Exercise is as important as eating right when wishing to maintain our health.  We should be trying to get around 30 minutes exercise most days, so break the bad habits and start with manageable targets.

121 Dietitian’s are experts in diet and health and are leading the way in making positive changes in companies across Northern Ireland and saving their hard earned cash along the way.

Why not find out how we can help you by getting in touch. We have a range of programmes to suit all requirements and budgets. Usage of KPI’s allowing success to be charted.

If you are unsure of how to change your eating habits, or need help optimising the foods you eat please do contact us. We would love to help you or your family and friends with any nutrition related queries big or small.

In the meantime do please check out our 121Dietitian Shop

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How can a Dietitian help

Gillian x


Information checked & correct on 16th May 2018.

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