Antibiotics and your health
With the topic of antibiotics once again brought to our attention Here, Director and Principal Dietitian, Gillian Killiner shares her advice on improving your health and therefore ultimately the need for antibiotics. The media has repeated the call for people to act to avoid antibiotic resistance, and this got me thinking. Antibiotics are required for […]
The facts on fermented foods – what can they do for you…
With a rise in popularity for fermented foods in recent years comes a look at their impact on health. Here, Gillian gets clear on what fermented foods are and if they actually have a positive effect on health. What are fermented foods? Fermented foods and drinks have become very popular over recent years even though […]
Top health tips for 2019 by Gillian Killiner

At 121 Dietitian, we firmly believe that small steps can always be taken to greatly improve our health. Looking at the key areas of mental health, kids’ health and weight loss, here we share our top health tips for 2019…. Mental health tips If you want instant improvements a few simple suggestions include: Stay well […]
Do you value your body? if you are not sure read this…
Life, from the very first gasp to the last laboured breath we take, is finite. Once born we are set on a life trajectory which varies greatly from person to person. A multitude of factors shape our lives from our parents to our location of birth, wealth, poverty, friends, education, health care…. Living in the […]
Metabolic syndrome – are you at risk?
Metabolic syndrome – It’s estimated that 25% of the world’s population has “Syndrome X.” Sounds like a spy code and sadly it can be as deadly if not dealt with. Syndrome X is the underlying factor for a whole host of common health problems we treat every day at our clinic. In a nutshell, Metabolic […]
Snapshot of ADHD in practice – how nutrition can help

Here, Director and Principal Dietitian, Gillian Killiner discusses why children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at risk of being deficient of multiple nutrients and why the link between hyperactivity and food sensitivity is strong. Overall nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows that this patient population is at risk of […]