5 Reasons to Eat your Green Vegetables!
“Eat your Greens” How many people are fed up hearing this in their lives!! Green vegetables are notoriously disliked by all age groups and this makes me sad, but I completely understand why. The data I gather from advising thousands of people gives me expert insight. And as you probably guessed, the largest percentage of […]
Fatty liver how to fix NAFLD

Fatty Liver Did you know Fatty liver affects 1 in 3 of us and if you have diabetes this figure is higher again. Scarily the end result, if not addressed, can be a decompensated liver and even liver failure. So, if you have been thinking about losing weight and getting more active but really don’t […]
Vitamin D Benefits – 9 awesome reasons

Vitamin D Benefits everyone’s health young and old. Vitamin D has multiple benefits and I have been a massive advocate of Vitamin D for many years due to my autoimmune family. Further strengthened when asked to write for the New Scientist on the tragic case of a murder trial.… So lets dive in to […]
Sugar what you need to know …
It is Sugar awareness week 18th – 24th January 2021 so I thought I would take a look at this in more detail for you as it is one of the biggest concerns my patients have when I see them at my clinics. What is sugar? The term ‘sugar’ usually refers to what we know […]
Make October The Month Of Your New Year Resolution

When it comes to diet and lifestyle changes, there is now better time than right NOW to put your well intended plans in place. If you still haven’t made progress with your New Year Resolution, you’re not alone. A client came to me for help with her New Year resolution IN AUGUST! She was disappointed […]
Obesity Statistics and Health Risks
While obesity stats might be shocking, the good news is that there is still time to do something about it. Here, we get clear on the obesity statistics and share how 121 Dietitian has been successfully helping patients to lose weight for good. A person with obesity (BMI – Body Mass Index of 30 and […]