121 Dietitian

Cholesterol: Dispelling the Myth and Unveiling the True Culprits of Poor Heart Health

For decades, cholesterol has been portrayed as the bad guy behind heart disease and poor health. However, it has also been known for many years that cholesterol and especially consuming cholesterol foods are not the true culprit. As a dietitian committed to promoting natural foods and supplements for optimal health, it is essential to explore […]

Aspartame: Insights from a Specialist Dietitian


Aspartame what is all the fuss about? As a dietitian with over two and a half decades of experience, I have always prioritized the well-being of my clients and promoted a balanced, healthy diet for each individuals needs, health, likes and dislikes etc. Throughout my career, I have encountered numerous questions about artificial sweeteners, particularly […]

9 Healthy Snacks to Fuel Your Sport Performance and Maximize Your Results

Sports nutrition

What are Some of the Best Healthy Snacks for Athletes? Incorporating nutritious healthy snacks into your daily diet is crucial for optimal performance & health whether you are a beginner or a trained athlete. The right snacks can provide the energy and nutrients needed to perform at your best. To help you make the right […]

Vitamin D Benefits – 9 awesome reasons

Weight loss happy lady

  Vitamin D Benefits everyone’s health young and old. Vitamin D has multiple benefits and I have been a massive advocate of Vitamin D for many years due to my autoimmune family. Further strengthened when asked to write for the New Scientist on the tragic case of a murder trial.…  So lets dive in to […]

Sugar what you need to know …

It is Sugar awareness week 18th – 24th January 2021 so I thought I would take a look at this in more detail for you as it is one of the biggest concerns my patients have when I see them at my clinics. What is sugar? The term ‘sugar’ usually refers to what we know […]

2020 with COVID 19 – How our family recovered…

2020 was a tough year for the world with the COVID 19 pandemic and 2021 continues to see no end to this virus. The vaccinations can hopefully help reduce hospital admissions however we still need to keep others safe. Reflecting over the past year we have had our ups and downs but over all I […]