Hashimotos and me -the best ever! Part 4…
I was reflecting on my Hashimotos hypothyroidism this morning and realized wow, what a year 2019 has been. My best health year for the past 10! Clinical work has grown and has become immensely intense with more and more patients attending with multiple and complex issues. With my good health these challenges are no longer […]
Hashimoto’s And Me – Part 3…
Another six months on and I am delighted to let you all know that I have reversed my Hashimoto’s. I am more than delighted! My antibodies are below the 35 IU/mL, and it has been due to diet, supplements, exercise and lifestyle. My current lifestyle is still busy but I now try my best to […]
Hashimoto’s and me – part 2…
For me I could not imagine how I would be coping if I had not been able to recover my health after my Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism diagnosis. Well sorry for the very long pause, things always happen when you least expect them. My mother who is disabled with MS was in a car accident and badly […]
Hashimoto’s and me……. Part 1
I have been planning to write about Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism for quite some time, but somehow I haven’t been able to pick the right moment or feel the time was right. This year has seen big changes for me and I have consciously been trying to rebalance my life. The last few weeks has really pushed […]