How to Improve Gut Health in the UK

Understanding Gut Health Gut health is a very common concern that Gillian Killiner, our 121 gut specialist award winning Dietitian is asked to assess by Drs, Consultants, AHPs and patients who self-refer. She treats many every day, whether it be through online consultations or face-to-face in her clinic. If you’re not familiar with the concept […]
Constipation Relief

5 Evidence-Based Constipation Home Remedies by a Registered Dietitian Constipation is a common issue that affects one in five people following a Western diet. If you have ever suffered with this you will know how unpleasant the feeling is. Maybe you are currently suffering with ongoing constipation and are in need of some guidance, so […]
What You Need to Know About Probiotics and Their Health Benefits
What are Probiotics and What Makes them so Beneficial? As we are still in the awareness month of gut health I felt it may be helpful to focus on an area that many people want to know more about for improving their gut; Probiotics. Probiotics have been around since ancient times when cheese and fermented […]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- everything you need to know..

IBS Everything You Need to Know and How to Manage It Each year April is recognized as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month and is dedicated to providing support and information for those living with irritable bowel syndrome. As a Specialist Gut Health Dietitian, I have fixed 1000s of people over many years. I work […]
Waist Hip Ratio Measurement are you familiar with this?

Waist Hip Ratio. I released a recent blog highlighting the positives and negatives of the BMI calculation and wanted to follow up on this with another measurement that you may find useful. Just to recap, BMI (Body Mass Index) is a well-known measurement that checks weight against height to select a number that you then […]
Pistachio nut- interesting facts
Pistachio nut day is on 26th February 2022 We love pistachio nuts here at 121 Dietitian. So when we spotted there was a special world pistachio nut day we felt we had to give them a big shout out! Pistachios are good for you! Pistachio nut facts: • Pistachio are nuts native to Western […]